Molly's Magical Moments

Monday, April 13, 2009

April Update

So, it's been awhile since I blogged. I'm not going to catch up on everything. I'll only say the biggest things that happened. We've upgraded our living situation, and Elliot has started saying real words. Elliot talking is huge, because he was diagnosed with Autism back in November, and everyday since then I've been stressing myself worrying about him.

I have some updated pictures of the kids. Camille is almost seven months old, and crawling everywhere and trying to get into things. I don't mind yet, because I think it's cute. Elliot has really taken to loving bubbles. He used to just watch them from a distance, but now he chases them and tries to pop them. Wyatt is growing up and thinks he's big. He helps Jeff and I by parenting Elliot and Camille.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Snow in Virginia...Finally!

Today school is closed and we are enjoying some real snow. It's always quite pretty in the morning until the cars come out with their ugly snow tracks.

Elliot was very interested when he first saw the snow this morning. Wyatt, of course, wanted to play in it and got dressed himself to go outside. Elliot decided eventually that he wanted to go to. I got Elliot dressed and then set him free in the back yard. He took the snow very seriously, while trying to grasp what it was and why it was there.

And what is better than hot chocolate after playing in the snow?

Camille 4 months!!

Camille has been a super cute lately just being the baby that she is. You know, the typical baby stuff like rolling, crying, laughing and such.
She has also found her toes.

Monday, January 5, 2009


Camille started rolling over around three months of age. Here's some footage.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008


What better present is there for little boys at Christmas time then video games.? It's been keeping them both busy. Wyatt so far has beat his Indiana Jones and the Temple Doom part of his Indy DS game. He's working on a different Indy movie part of the game now. Elliot just loves any video game you hand him. He's pretty good for a two year old and it's cute to watch him.
Camille with cute cat shirt and cute real cat.
This was the first time Camille sat in her excersaucer. She liked it for about seven minutes and then wanted out. I think she'll like a Janie Jump Up better. I'll get her one at her 4 month mark.

For those of you who know Elliot know he loves Yo Gabba Gabba. He got a dancing Brobee for Christmas but he wasn't sure what to think of it. He did smile at him at first but that's not on camera.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Great Wolf Lodge

We stayed one night at the Great Wolf Lodge. I didn't get many good pictures because of the short time being there and fear of losing/ruining my camera at the water park.

This picture is relaxing at night in the room. We got a free upgrade to their biggest room because we arrived too early and the room we paid for wasn't clean yet.

This was coming home. They were both sleeping not long after this picture was taken.

Of course I wasn't going to leave without shopping at the outlets in Williamsburg. Camille is modeling her $72 outfit I got $15.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Freshing up...

I am going to add more in a bit, but I got to get the kids ready for the ward Christmas party. For now enjoy a picture of cutie Camille in the sink.