Molly's Magical Moments

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Elliot And A Bottle Of Ginger Ale

"Quick, Husband, get the camera! Elliot is doing something CUTE!"

I would say more, but I am sick. Morning-sick. Sorry. I will blog more later. Seriously.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Nothing too exciting today or even recently. I guess I'm pregnant again. That's kind of exciting. It's also scary. I don't know how I'm going to handle three kids. Maybe if I don't get pregnant again I'll be okay. Being sick with two kids at home and your husband at work is not what I would call fun. I do try to make the best of it, though. Watch this....

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Well, today I watched my friend, Lisa's kid and then we swapped and she watched mine, so I could go to Germanna and find out about their nursing program. I'm going to have to take Biology, chemistry, and math 03 Algebra I , and a computer class before I can qualify for the nursing program. I also have to take a placement test before I can register. I don't know why I would have to bother if I'm taking high school all over again. I will say I never had to take chem b/c I took radio/tv broadcasting which got me out of taking pretty much anything important after the 10th grade. Though, I may be dumber because of graduating from Spotsylvania High School, but now is my time to redeem myself. I am going to be the best nurse ever. Also, keep in mind that I want to get into nursing so that I can help people, not for the money.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Wyatt's Christmas Program

This is just a small clip of Wyatt's Christmas program. I was having a hard time because I was trying to control Elliot.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year! 2008!

Sheesh! I haven't blogged since August. That is so lame of me. Well, since I decided to blog today, I'll start off with how I started off the new year. I managed to burn a pot trying to steam carrots. I didn't know if you could steam them, but I didn't see why not. I still don't see why not, but it didn't work for me. Now my house smells burnt"something".

Afterwards, I just threw the pot away. It was good pot. We bought it when we were first married.

Also, since I haven't posted in awhile I've got to add pictures of the kids. My how they grow. Here's Wyatt casually showing off his muscles, and Elliot just doing his usual cuteness.

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